I have been visiting the island of KRK , Croatia, since 2008, when Pavol Miskov invited me to sing at the inauguration of the HOTEL MARINA in the old town of Krk.

The Hotel Marina is set beautifully on the promenade at the port of the old town of Krk.

Every year I am invited to sing at the LOZA CUP TENNIS tournaments , run by Mr.Miskov…and here are two of the leading contenders…”Frank” and Vlado…..

I used to take part…and actually won it …!!!

My partner in the doubles victory was Vlado Stropkovsky.

But now the knees won’t allow any more twists and turns….old age….less tennis..more relaxation…!!

Here is yours truly with Mr Miskov.

At the courts……

And here a selection of pics from Croatia……